Alison Smith and Donna Courchaine are now friends
Mar 31, 2022

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  • Your work is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  • Wow! You’ve done a lot of work with Tricia. I chose the 30 ct fabric as I didn’t want the lacework to be too fine. Maybe I should have used the 40ct and used just one strand. Kicking myself now but glad that portion of of the stitching is coming to an end . Do send me the pictures of your works with Tricia. I’d love to see them. 
    I should tell you how I met Tricia accidentally at an airport. We were on our way to Boston and waiting to board and just then I heard someone talking about embroidery behind me. So of course I had to check that out and I saw her. I had been following her blog and new about her. She had the Treyvellan hat with her and showed it to me. It’s amazing all the stuff she does and also a practicing engineer to boot. My husband is also an engineer and was quite gob smacked! Haha.

  • Thank you for adding me as your friend. Yes, everything is resolved and I just have a few leaves to finish. However, I could use some very colourful language about that thread we had to stitch with. The two strands are constantly fighting with each other and slip like crazy. How did you find using the soil de Paris? Did you also do the Cabinet of Curiosity? 

  • Alison, Wow good catch.  I did purchase my Elizabeth Meadows chart from you over a decade ago.  She hangs proudly on my Judaisms Hayle wall.  Good stitching memories.  Those were some great stitch directions.  Sometimes, I am sorry I didn't keep the pattern just as a reference.    I checked on my phone last night and see you still have a working website.  Would that Fisher book help me with stitching my Harmony casket?  Any tips you can share will be greatly appreciated.

    Keep safe,


  • 'Thanks for your's an honor to accept.'.

  • took your wonderful Christmas message to Palm Desert to reply to and it didn't happen - trying to catch up and will email soon!   Joan

  • Thinking of you and so pleased to hear from you!  It's been awhile!  Lots of Canadians involved in the course and it is fun - Tricia is doing a great job and will email you soon just from me!  Do think I told you about finishing Elizabeth Meadows - finally - love it! Haven't been to England lately but was in Germany and Holland last October with Lore Hewson and Barbara Kershaw - we will meet in Santa Fe for EGA.






  • So good to hear from you - you have been on my mind since all of this started with Tricia - too good to miss even if I never complete a casket. Lots of Canadians involved - hope our paths may cross some time soon! Did finish Elizabeth Meadows and Loara Standish in the last year or so!  I amy have already told you this!  Joan

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