

Waterbury, CT

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  • So Sorry to hear this, I also had met her on a Casket trip, and she was a lovely person.  Thanks for letting us know.

  • Thank you Elisabeth!
  • I will add some spangles, Elizabeth.  Lovely idea.  Thanks

  • "Elisabeth with regard to your request, John Bielik and each sheet is original, google him...he does shows and etsy..There is also a youtube demo of him creating a sheet...I suggest seeing his work in person, as purchasing on etsy is difficult to determine exactly the true colors...Good Luck.."

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  • Hello Elisabeth...I was privileged to be the courier of your wondrous little "small" you sent to Elizabeth Finn..To share with everyone in Adelaide at the BATB event. As I was 'unveiling' at the Casketeers 'Show and Tell'... word spread quickly and people came to see it. I am very new to the CoC course, but have been warmly welcomed by everyone in the group. How lucky am I to share my love of stitching with such talented and friendly people? Thank you for creating your beautiful little 'small' to share with so many across the globe! Kind regards..Cheryl Kealy
  • Hi Elisabeth,
    Thank you for your warm welcome! I won't be able to dive into cabinet making for a couple of months. There are still a few big embroidery projects in the way. As a self-employed embroideress, there is just so much that needs to be embroidered before I can play. Not complaining here! Just explaining why you won't see much progress on my Ning page for a while. If you would like to keep up with all my other embroidery adventures, do check out www.jessicagrimm.com, where I also keep a blog.
    Have a nice day, Jessica
  • I too would be interested in a tiny sewing pillow kit Elizabeth.
  • Thought we had "become friends" as well- but when I went to send you a message found I could not!!!  ;)

  • Hi Elisabeth. The photo of the loco was to go on my members item but I mucked it up a bit. Its a live steam coal fired loco of 5 inch gauge. I have loved stumpwork for a long time.Love the colours and the technique required but I am very much a newbie as far as experience goes and the CoC Part 2 is a big, big challenge. Fortunately I have 2 friends who are in the course Cath Punter and Gail Pershouse so I can call on their expertise. Stephen 

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