

Salt Lake City, UT

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  • Designing is like anything else.  It takes practice.  Get some colored paper (construction or old magazines) and start cutting out shapes that would stitch well.  Glue them onto scrap paper (newspaper will do).  Look at them from across the room.  Move them around.  When you like an arrangement, put it in a file and make more.  This is educating your eye much faster that stitching all of them would.  Using throw away stuff lets you make mistakes, just throw them away and nothing lost.  They are still practice.  Do this with regularity and you will become clear about what you like and don't like and able to "design" better.  Good luck.

  • Sharon, thank you so much for your sweet comments. I'm so sorry I didn't see your post until now. I'm so glad that "Morning Has Broken" was helpful to you. I want to hear all about it when I see you next time. Your work is beyond lovely. Lynn Jones

  • Hello Sharon and welcome. You will enjoy this! If you have the chance, do read through through the discussions in the forum. There is a lot of useful information and some fantastic links there.

  • Sharon-Welcome to the class! I really hope that you enjoy it as much as I do. I love the little bird, by the way!

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