

Hobart, Tasmania

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  • Elizabeth, I love how your casket looks. Did you paint the casket before lining it?


  • Hi Elizabeth,

    i got your message via normal email but cannot find where it is on the Ning site so am replying here. Hope you get the message.

    it would be great to catch up. My son’s 30th is nov 6 so other son’s are over from Melbourne the first week on November then I am returning with them to Melbourne for a week. So late November should work out well. Let me know your dates and plans and we can work something out.

  • Hi Elizabeth. I'm from Ulverstone. Can't wait to start the course!

  • Dear elizabeth, jane mentioned that she had spoken to you in my shackspeare class. I loved this class, Yesterday I downloaded the second lesson for the cabinet and lots of idears are running throuh my head,too many really!, but being an old fashion ed girl, mine wont be too leary!. Jane has been such an inspiration  and I do the classes as much for social interaction as well as a lesson. I am still trying to master the retched computer,and am NOT very confident with it at all. And the internet reception is a bit tempermental.I hope that we can  keep in touch,and one day meet up.Bye Anika.

  • Hi Elizabeth,

    It sounds like there will be a few of us attending Koala this year. Jo Glover will be at Koala too and she is also a part of the Cabinet of Curiosities. Jo is from Perth. See you in Brisbane.


  • Hi Elizabeth,  Good to see you here!


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