Hi Linda ! I am working here on Christmas Island. A tiny hospital, but busy as we get boats of refugees coming here. The crabs are tiny, as big as a two penny piece, to as big as a bread bin. Many of them are bright red. I am enjoying doing my queen stitches - how is yours going? I am thinking of changing a few of the colours more lush greens, and pinks. You wrote that you had a plan that you felt that you could develop into a casket - What kind of casket have you chosen???? Love Vicki xx
P.S. Edward Scissor fish is coming along very nicely. x
Hi Linda ! I am working here on Christmas Island. A tiny hospital, but busy as we get boats of refugees coming here. The crabs are tiny, as big as a two penny piece, to as big as a bread bin. Many of them are bright red. I am enjoying doing my queen stitches - how is yours going? I am thinking of changing a few of the colours more lush greens, and pinks. You wrote that you had a plan that you felt that you could develop into a casket - What kind of casket have you chosen???? Love Vicki xx
Hi Linda, welcome aboard. I think we met at the Fuller swete bag class at the Ashmolean!