I've been so lax in replying to your email it's been a month of medical issues so I haven't been as active as normal. On my way to recovery now so looking forward to really getting down to the business of deciding exactly how I would like my cabinet to look. I'm thinking primarily animals with some birds and insets thrown in but who knows, time will tel as I begin this wonderful journey.
Marjie T and I see each other on a regular basis so will have the opportunity of sharing ideas and designs, hopefully we have a chance to get together with the others in Maine at some point. Happy 4th, Barbara
Pulled out the cruising guide to see where you were located because the charts are on the boat.We've sailed to Roque but didn't do much exploring around the area. When i told my husband where you were located, he immediately said "That's some place I want to go to take pictures!" Maybe we can sail up your way again this summer, weather-permitting.
I am actually a hand weaver and my area of expertise is the 17th through the 19th centuries so this embroidery is a perfect fit.I've taken classes from Tricia and make a point of attending the symposiums at Winterthur whenever they are offered. Design-wise, I feel like I'm in over my head at the moment but I know that it will get easier.
Hi Karen, I am so looking forward to meeting many different people with similar interests in this class. I associate Maine as a centre of Sampler and historic embroidery. How great to live there in the midst of it all. I envy you.
Hi, Karen! Welcome to the class. Wish there were some other New Mexicans taking the class-it would be fun to get together. It's kind of scarey to just jump out and do this, but these e-mail comments sure help.
Hi Karen,
I've been so lax in replying to your email it's been a month of medical issues so I haven't been as active as normal. On my way to recovery now so looking forward to really getting down to the business of deciding exactly how I would like my cabinet to look. I'm thinking primarily animals with some birds and insets thrown in but who knows, time will tel as I begin this wonderful journey.
Marjie T and I see each other on a regular basis so will have the opportunity of sharing ideas and designs, hopefully we have a chance to get together with the others in Maine at some point.
Happy 4th, Barbara
Just saw your comment on My Page - haven't been there for ages....been busy in the Discussions!
Hi there! :-)
I'm So excited myself! Almost Month 3, when the kits should go out, too.
We attended the blueberry festival in Machias a few years ago! Wonderful area!
Hi Karen,
Pulled out the cruising guide to see where you were located because the charts are on the boat.We've sailed to Roque but didn't do much exploring around the area. When i told my husband where you were located, he immediately said "That's some place I want to go to take pictures!" Maybe we can sail up your way again this summer, weather-permitting.
I am actually a hand weaver and my area of expertise is the 17th through the 19th centuries so this embroidery is a perfect fit.I've taken classes from Tricia and make a point of attending the symposiums at Winterthur whenever they are offered. Design-wise, I feel like I'm in over my head at the moment but I know that it will get easier.
Hi Karen, I am so looking forward to meeting many different people with similar interests in this class. I associate Maine as a centre of Sampler and historic embroidery. How great to live there in the midst of it all. I envy you.
Hi, Karen! Welcome to the class. Wish there were some other New Mexicans taking the class-it would be fun to get together. It's kind of scarey to just jump out and do this, but these e-mail comments sure help.
There are 4 of us Mainers taking this class. We need to get together sometime.