

Avondale, PA

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  • Hi, Sali! Hope the evening is as fine there as it is here. Aren't all the discussions on everyone's ideas great? I am really looking forward to seeing what everyone does. My son-in-law said that it would be really cool if everyone taking the class could get together with the finished products. Know that's a dream, but pictures are almost as good.

  • But you DID finish it and it's gorgeous!  I'm a starter, but not a finisher, I'm afraid. I used to feel guilty about that, but now just accept it as part of my makeup.  Before signing up for this project, though, I had to commit to going all the way.  Too big of an investment to not finish - not to mention the learning opportunity!

  • That's so nice of you, but I assure you that I struggle just as hard as everyone else. I lack the ability to know when I can't do something, and jump in over my head. That piece took me 6 years. Toward the end it got so scary that it went in my ufo pile for 3-4 years. I had promised it to my sister, so finally had to finish it.

  • I LOVE the picture! Do you raise the birds, or just love the picture, too?

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